We have been going through some really dramatic crazy weather this Summer. In some parts of the country, people are experiencing a heatwave, while others are being punished by storms and flooding rains. What do you do when a storm is brewing or there is a forecast and a prediction for a gloomy time in your marriage? Let’s talk about it!! ⛈
Grace & Mercy, God has extended to each and every one of us, so why can’t you do that to your spouse in the marriage? As humans we are imperfect, we can’t expect for our spouse to not make mistakes. You can’t expect your relationship or marriage to survive if you want to call it quits every single time there is a storm. You also can’t expect a healthy relationship if you are not focusing on what’s causing the storm and your lightning bolt reaction to it. Are you sitting down as a couple to talk things out or are you pointing fingers placing blame? ⚡️
Let’s take a step back for a second. How did this storm even arrive? Why weren’t you prepared? You can’t be blind to the signs of a potential downpour in your relationship. Pay attention to the signs, don’t live in a bubble. Are you and your spouse regularly talking or is their silent treatment going on? Are one of you telling lies and getting caught? Is your partners’ love language being met? Do you pray together and have a relationship with God or a higher power? The answers to these questions are important, but so is your reaction to them. ☔️
But you can also prepare to weather your storm by having a game plan. “Babe, what do we do when we have that BIG argument?” Do you think this is a silly question to answer? It’s not – this is being proactive in your relationship and knowing that you both don’t want to go through this, but it will eventually happen. Your marriage needs to have a strong foundation in order not to be blown away and to withstand the storms.
As they say, this too shall pass, just like bad weather. But just in case it doesn’t, as a Pre-Marital Coach & Marriage Counselor, I am here to help. Make me a part of your storm team, you can do so by clicking here.
Until next time,
XO, Minister Sharnise Sears